A special version of Ziproxy was released specially for April Fool's Day 2010 (2.7.9_BETA3_AF2010.0).
This version provides certain image processing features meant to provide your users a "special" web browsing experience.
You may put the pictures upside-down, add noise, blur, distort the colors... even make the pictures look like regular windows.
Your users will love that! (well, in a manner of speaking)
The processing options are selectable as regular configuration options and, if enabled simultaneously, are cumulative.
This release is available as source code only and may be downloaded from here.
Technical instructions are included in the source code, file: AprilFoolsDay.README
- Use common-sense and don't get into trouble!
- This version is not adequate for HTTP acceleration (it will work, but you shouldn't use for that).
For serious work, use a regular version.
This will generate interesting support calls.
A severe case of bad WiFi reception.
(two effects combined simultaneously)
Here the colors are randomly distorted.
Often is not too obvious, but strong enough so the user will feel